Walking To & From The Bus Stop

Students should be particularly careful when walking to and from school bus stops. If possible, parents should accompany young children to the bus stop and assist in keeping order while waiting for the bus.

Here are some guidelines to discuss with your children:

1) Allow enough time in the morning to get to the bus without hurrying. Rushing causes carelessness, a major factor in accidents. They should be at the bus stop at least five minutes prior to the scheduled bus time.

2) Children should be instructed to keep on sidewalks or on the shoulder, and far away from the main traveled portion of the roadway.

3) Children should pay close attention to traffic, weather conditions, and visibility conditions, visible clothing, or clothing and backpacks with reflective material should be worn at all times.

4) Children should remain orderly at all times and refrain from boisterous conduct or horseplay while walking to and from the school bus stop.

5) Children should not engage in conversation with strangers or accept rides from passing motorists

6) When walking to or from a bus stop, children should face traffic.

Check out these sites:

Sonoma County Safe Routes to School Program

California Walk to School Headquarters

National Center for Safe Routes to School

Federal Highway Administration Safe Routes to School


Waiting At The Bus Stop