Vision Statement


It is the intent of the Agency to provide safe service by:

  • Supporting ongoing driver and staff training.

  • Supporting a comprehensive vehicle preventive maintenance program.

  • Consistently updating the fleet.

  • Supporting the allocations of staff and resources relative to the dynamic nature of the Agency.


It is the intent of the Agency to provide service that is sensitive to the needs of students by:

  • Supporting ongoing driver and staff training focusing on safe and enjoyable service

  • Developing positive, collaborative relationships with our schools and parents.

  • Communicating our concern and compassion both within and outside the organization

Reasonable Cost

It is the intent of the Agency to provide quality service at the most reasonable cost to its member school districts by:

  • Continuing to pursue grants for bus replacement and full development of our operations and maintenance facility.

  • Evaluating and encouraging contracts for service to other school districts and public agencies to generate additional revenue

  • Evaluating and encouraging other school districts to become members to spread the costs of the Agency.

  • Continually evaluating cooperative routing, bell time coordination, bus parking and maintenance locations and other logistic elements to maximize bus usage and minimize duplication or inefficiency.

  • By pursuing economies of scale and competitive bidding, purchasing goods and services at the most reasonable cost.